is wicked evil, but he's pretty sharp as well. Wouldn't surprise me at all if he was the source, but certainly he must've thought about ways that the leak or the law wouldn't come back to burn him (see fall man or woman.. who, if Rove doesn't have confidence in being appropriately mum, will probably have a "boating accident" in the Chesapeake Bay this weekend). Nonetheless, I do want the Plume scandal to get him in some significant way and it would be absolutely HEEE-UUUGGGAA if this de facto ended his political career.
I have many theories on the last (two, really), Presidential elections, and the one I came to last and the one I'm sticking to, is that it all really came down to the Reps having better 'generals' (i.e. campaign folk) than the Dems... (call it the, "why the South hung around in the Civil War so long" theory). All the gay wedding-flip flop-electoral strategery comes from this. On the Dems side you have the hopeless and drunk U. S. Grant played by 0-for-8 David Frum, and on the Rep side you have the powerful military intellect of Lee played by Rove. The guy knows what he's doing... hrrmmmmmm............ OK, and the Dems shouldn't be picking any more brainy NE Liberal Senators, either.
Mark Warner: Good. Joe Biden: Bad

Third grade. Picked on. Neurosis. REVENGE!