Billy Packer of CBS and I were wrong about the NCAA tourney.
He was wrong about how too many mid-majors were let in,
I was wrong about how not enough mid-majors were let in.
We were both wrong about what would transpire thereafter.
The NCAA invited a good number of mid-majors to the dance this
year, and despite the lousy seedings, these teams have been
kicking ass and taking names. Northwestern State, Montana,
Bradley... hell, 16 seed University of Albany was up 12 points
on UConn in the second half last night. Wha Happen???
Sadly, Kent State still got creamed by Pitt, but I guess the
underdog/little guy can't win them all.
Needless to say, my bracket (like most of America's, I'm assuming,
unless you've gotten lucky or watched wwwaaayyy too much
college ball over the past four months) is shot to hell. Oh well.
One quick note on the NBA... exciting happening is the
development and emergence of Yao Ming of the Houston Rockets
and Nenad Krstic of the New Jersey Nets as quality centers
with a finesse game. They can play the post and rebound,
but more importantly cut to the basket, pass, and spot up
to shoot the jump shot. Watching these players adds a
level of quality and legitimacy to the league found more
often if not almost exclusively at the college level.
On Stone and Parker:
In case you've missed it... Comedy Central yanked a South
Park episode poking fun at Tom Cruise, supposedly because
Cruise told Viacom parent company Paramount he wouldn't
hype MI:III if the episode aired again, to which Southpark
creators Stone and Parker issued the following response:
"So, Scientology, you may have won THIS battle, but the
million-year war for earth has just begun! Temporarily
anozinizing our episode will NOT stop us from keeping
Thetans forever trapped in your pitiful man-bodies. Curses
and drat! You have obstructed us for now, but your feeble
bid to save humanity will fail! Hail Xenu!!!" Signed,
"Trey Parker and Matt Stone, servants of the dark lord Xenu."
Ladies and gentlemen, make up your own minds about the
humor value and/or appropriateness of this exchange, but I
will go out on a limb and write that the promulgation of this
retort and the peaceful public response make protections of speech
and tolerant societies a bright and beautiful thing.

Are Andy McGinn & EA Sports paying royalties on the
J.T. Smith piece? Inquiring mind wants to know.