Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Tom Delay is Innocent!!!

A District Attorney could indict a ham sandwich for
conspiracy to create indigestion.

Thank you, thank you.. I'll be here all day. I also do
weddings and Bar mitzvahs

(on a serious note, Tom, doesn't it stink not to have all
the people who interpret and enforce the rules on your
side? Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott and those federal
judges sure were helpful with your redistricting of the state,
this is not. Karma can be a bitch!!)


Taylor Kirk said...

No way he's innocent. That prosecutor had indicted as many dems as reps. He's totally guilty.

micahd said...

Taylor's point is super important. All the Democrats need to say is that this prosecutor has indicted many more Democrats than Republicans. Also, they need to let the corruption charge speak for itself and focus on their agenda for America. Wait, what was that agenda again?

David Weinberg said...

The agenda: to split 50/50 on the confirmation of the guy who will now sit as Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court for the next 30 years. We now know where they stand. Sit. Whatever.