to the US Constitution--the abolition of daylight savings--
thanks to my post from a couple weeks ago. And by the way,
I think the Repubs successfully slipped the shortening of
the fall back period by two months into the 05' Omnibus
Energy Bill. Which is good news. Hooray. Still doesn't
help us out on a day like today, when I think the sun set
in NYC at 2:36 pm, before the soaps ended and various
"Judge TV" programs even hit the airwaves.
Here's Amendment 29:
Christmas can never fall on a weekend. It must skip
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. For example, this year, Christmas
would be observed on Monday the 26th, not Sunday the 25th.
This isn't a dig on Christianity or Santa Clause or the number
25. There are just too many logistical difficulties associated
with trying to do the holiday/religious observation-family thing
and the weekend R&R thing on a Sat. or Sun. And with New Years
falling on the next weekend, it makes for a devil of a time to try to
schedule being out of town for both events. Take this year for
example: if you want to share both holidays with family and friends
out of town, and we're designating Jan. 1 as a 'recovery' day and
not a travel/back on saddle and ready to go day, we're talking
about a commitment of about 10 days gone. Ouch. Doesn't quite jive
with el work schedule. And the first weekend is largely lost to
most non-family activities (beyond shopping perhaps. Great).
OK. I'll just come out and say it. A 'Christmas Weekend' and
a fun weekend to catch up with an extended network of friends
and family are pretty much mutually exclusive. Both are or should
be sacrosanct. But problems are spawned on the homefront as
well. There's the guilt of being homebound and pretending that you
wouldn't prefer to be watching Spurs vs. Pistons or NFL Football
instead of playing Scategories with the fam... whatever.
You're getting the general gist of my point here. And the religion
thing... just read an article online today that many Mega-churches
are bumping Sunday services this year. So I'm not even going out
on a limb on that one. (though our stated reasons are very different.
Yes. Who cares).
Swell. Out of the way. Call your state legislative leaders today.
Up next: Amendment Thir-tay.

Happy Holidays Ya'll

This atheist Jew protests. If you're gonna get Christmas off, I want every bloody day of Hanukah off.
Oh, wait a second. I guess you would get both. Or is it half of each?
Every day for Hanukah?? Between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, that'd leave like, 8 work days in the fall.
At any rate, if you want some days of for Hanukah, I suggest you find a way to make it a much more marketable affair. Like, "the third day of Hanukah brought to you buy Best Buy. 20% off today on all digital cameras!"
Welcome to America.
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