Sunday, January 15, 2006

Things That Suck

1) January
2) February

The blog has come full circle. We are back to the depths
of north North American winter, and my persistent whining
has returned. Yes, I could move to Miami or Los Angeles.
This has not yet happened, but I'm not sure why.

Here's the bummer about global warming. Heck yeah, its for
real. Its happening. We're destroying life on earth, though
life in one form or another will survive our trashing the place,
that's my august prediction. BUT.. while the negatories of
global warming are racking up, the positives are not. The
permafrost in Alaska is melting, frogs in Latin America are
dying, Hurricanes are slamming the Gulf Cost and Florida with
amazing ferocity.. but winter in where I've lived for all my
life still blows. And sometimes its bitterly cold and crappy.
Like today. If I could go out sunbathing at Coney Island this
weekend, I'd feel differently. That's not happening. The
damage continues to subtly accrue.

I could be doing more. Not to stop global warming. Well, yes,
to stop global warming, but also to not be such a curmudgeon
about the cold weather. The Onion has rolled out a new tee-shirt.
It reads: "I wish somebody would do something about how fat
I am." I need a tee-shirt that reads, "I wish somebody would do
something about how I've never gone skiing." I could be
doing more to get the most out of the cold weather times.

Alright. Wrapping up here. Two random observations:

1. SNL skit featuring Duluth rock band last night: legitimately
pretty hilarious. The guy who played the lead singer doesn't do a great
job as George W. But in other situations, he's pretty solid.

2. If the Colts win today, well, they did it with a LOT of help
from the refs. Not sure I've *ever* seen this lead ref before.
That non-call pass interference in the 1st half that would have
put Pitt up (likely) 21-3 was incredible. Ruling that Troy P.
didn't intercept Payton in the 2nd half was even more incredible.
We'll see what happens... 2:55 left. Pitt up by 3. Punting to
the Colts.

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