reported in Central Park. And maybe Central Park didn't get
27 inches, cus its the Central Park Zoo security guards who
are reporting the figure, not Al Roper and the God Grothar
from their Almighty Big Apple Weather Center. For the record.
Random observation: Watched 'Gangs of New York' for the first
time the other night. Flawed movie in a number of respects, but
one of film's most egregious offenses was pairing Daniel Day
Lewis with Leonardo DiCaprio and Cameron Diaz in the leading
roles. Lewis's performance utterly blew DiCaprio and Diaz
out of the water. DiCaprio looked like a dazed Jack White, who
had stumbled onto the set from shooting his last Michel Gondry
video, delivering lines with an ability that ranged from confusion
to disinterest. Diaz proved why her range should keep her
confined to the likes of, 'Something About Mary' and 'Charlies
Angels.' A big smile and a lot of raw enthusiasm has its utility,
but not necessarily in a gruesome trying-to-be-serious period piece.
This raises an interesting question, for me (though perhaps
I've just answered it)... why in the hell isn't Daniel Day Lewis
in more movies? What was wrong with My Left Foot or Last of
the Mohicans or the Bill Cutting character? I would pay $10 to
see Lewis in a starring role as Abraham Lincoln or a LeCarre or
Grisham protagonist or the newly anointed captain of some version
of the Starship Enterprise. Someone please explain this to me.
Instead Hollywood gives us Steve Martin as a recycled Pink Panther,
Harrison Ford as a computer geek, Martin Lawrence an obese
elderly woman and Tim Allen as a g** damn dog. Thank you for
enriching our lives and our imaginations, Hollywood.

Why have you gone so underutilized, Dan DiMaggio?
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