If you know David Weinberg, you know someone
very special. I'm not sure anyone has been more white
guys to more people. For many years, I thought I was
a pretty average looking (though handsome) European Mutt, maybe
with a little more of the Norwegian genes than my two
brothers (with older bro Micah getting a larger portion of the downtown Hebron bloodline, younger bro Seth cornering the market on
the Aragorn lineage)... nothing special. A plethora of white guy
comparisons has shattered that image. Let's
take a brief moment to run down the list of David-doppelgangers:
1) Toby McGuire (Jen saw T.M. filming Spiderman on the
Columbia University campus, and assures me that I am taller,
more slender, and cuter than the world's favorite D.W. look-alike)
2) David Hyde Pierce (thanks a lot, dad)
3) Campbell Scott (though Greg Woodell takes the cake here)
more confusingly and obscurely:
4) Christopher Walken (stems from what some people
perceive as a semi-permanent demeanor and look of mine... we won't
talk about that)
and when the hair's looking a little more 1982,
5) Beck
Time to add another name to the list...
this photo has appeared in many articles on Hunter Thompson
in the days following his death... more than one person has commented on the likeness of this photo to myself. What is particularly errie
is that I have a shot from college where I'm essentially striking
the same pose, wearing the same clothes, hair parted in the same
direction. Yikes.

David Weinberg or Hunter Thompson? We report, you decide.

Actually, I'm flattered. If this is a sign that I'm the Dalai Lama of
Gonzo Journalism, well, I'll do my very best to carry the torch.
Stay tuned...
1 comment:
Yikes. That does look a whole lot like you would look after a two week ephedrine bender. Glad that you are somewhat less interested in the sauce than HST because I don't plan on dragging your broke and bloated ass all over the place when we're in our fifties ...
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