Happened sooner than I expected, but its unofficially
NORML-week here on 'Get Out Of The Road' after
ex-George the Elder aide Doug Wead, aka the O'Reilly Grinch
who stole Clinton's Hair, went all Nixon on W. and recorded
a pre-ascention conversation with the man where
one could infer that our Comander n' Cheif might have
smoked up at some point during the 20th Century. In other
shocking news, water is wet.

Why'd ya do it, Doug?

So, what to write here? What's the spin? Not
too surprizing that this appeared in The NY Times, which
should officially rename Paul Krugman's op-ed column to,
"I hate W. with an Extreme Passion" and Bob Herbert's
to, "Yes, you are Living in a Police State." Call those limousine
liberals what you will.. Kerry lost by 3 million votes but
who else is going to break the semi-relevant story that makes
you giggle on a Sunday morning? Its not the Syracuse
Post Dispatch, I can tell you that.
Wait a minute.. semi-relevant? Bush also lets out on the
tape that Johnny Ashcroft would make for a "very good supreme
court pick." Yikes. Let me work on some jokes here and post
back later, but also state that, if our beloved lost-to-the-deceased-
Senator, gospel signing, breast covering, Patriot Act writing,
ex-Atty. Gen. takes over for the ailing William R..., well, Howard
Dean should just dissolve the Democratic Party and I am moving
to Vancouver. Strike that. Vancouver is too cold, and they lost
their NBA franchise (probably a good thing). I'm taking my
beloved fellow Earlham grad partner and moving to Alicante, Spain, baby! They've got sun, the Mediterranean Sea, and currently the 3rd
Place Team in the Spanish League:
Actually... the more I think about it, the better this sounds. Serious
upgrade from cloudy-cold, Onondaga Lake, and an Orange team that
has forgotten how to box out and rebound... brush off the law books,
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