Monday, February 21, 2005

RIP Hunter S. Thompson

A good friend has posted a fitting piece on his blog:

As much as it will pain me, I will toast
Old Crow Whiskey to the good Doctor tonight.
You will be missed.


micahd said...

Probably the best obit that I've read anywhere of HST is at Pitchfork ...

They make the excellent point that his work was a cautionary tale about the use of drugs rather than an endorsement of them. Sure, a lot of kids sign up for "Fear and Loathing" out of a sense of adventure. But that doesn't mean that HST wrote a book called "Trippy Lights in Vegas" that would encourage anyone in his right mind that going there is a good and fun idea.

As Chris Farley would say, "I know ... from experience."

micahd said...

Okay, I don't think that link was visible. Here's this one. Have fun cutting and pasting if your crow-addled brain is still capable of that task ...