(see Tom's mugshot below, if you haven't already)
Just heard a rumor that Dick Cheney is going to resign.
Maybe its a health thing. Maybe its a Valerie Plame thing.
Maybe its a "OK, now my boss has run off and nominated a
totally unqualified croney to the SC, which has Bill Kristol,
George Will and even Ann Coulter screaming bloody murder.
I can see my sage advice is no longer appreciated in this
office. Screw this, I'd be happier duck hunting" thing.
Things just keep looking up for the GOP. Not that I disdain
everyone in the party. I might vote for Bloomberg next
month. I think Arlen Specter has been very even handed
with the judicial nominations. I believe that John McCain
or Chuck Hagel could make for pretty good Chief Executives.
But this current Administration and House Leadership are
simply rotten to the core and need to go. Too bad that the
Dems aren't offering the American people a sound alternative,
but I'll take some internal collapse born of the weight of
folly, hubris, and corruption that drives Bush, Delay, et. al.
I don't know what more the Republicans could offer the Dems
to build a populist movement to retake the Congress: this
week alone we saw the Republicans nix a rise to the paltry
minimum wage, and the passage of bills granting immunity to
gun manufacturers and the fast food industry. The current
power structure in Washington does not have in interests of
the American people in mind: they do the bidding of the
corporate interests that fill their coffers. This message is
not too tough to understand or communicate. Please, Dems,
find some folks with charisma and public speaking skills for
2006/2008, and hand them the microphone.
You Can Do It!

Hey Kids! Crime might not pay, but hell'if it won't put a
smarmy smile on your face!
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