Friday, October 28, 2005

October: Fall Foliage, German Beer, Indictments Galore

I'm having a pretty good day today. Better than Lewis Libby,
I'm guessing. Didn't get indicted on five felony charges and
subsequently had to resign from my job.

Lets not let another interesting GOP indictment story slip
through the Delay/Libby cracks, here:

In my good ol' home state of Ohia, Thomas W. Noe has been indicted
by a grand jury in Toledo for illegally funneling $45,400 to
W's re-election campaign. Remember that election? Ohio's
decisive electoral votes went to Bush, while Ohio's Secretary of
State Ken Blackwell was pulling dirty tricks including disallowing
voter registration cards which were not submitted on hard stock;
the Diabold machines in one precinct were awarding W thousands
more votes than there were voters; African Americans voters in
Cuyahoga County were waiting upwards of 10 hours to cast a vote.
That someone has been indicted for illegally funneling money
into Bush's relection coffers makes me feel much better about
that whole affair.

One last thought, and then I'll get off the politics-kick:

I don't think the war in Iraq, as a matter of policy, does anything
to make the US safer from the threat of terrorism. On some level, I
believe it raises the long-term risks. So too does Bloomberg's
recent break with federal agencies on the threat of a terrorist
attack within NYC's subway system-- and the leak of this intelligence
from federal employees to well connected individuals in NYC--
signal a complete failure in the righting our pre 9/11 mistakes
in the administration of homeland security. Off course abroad
and off course at home. High time for a new political leadership.

Alright. Enough. Next week: all pop-culture all the time.
Have a great weekend.

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