Saturday, October 15, 2005

Odds and Ends

Word. Its been a while. No major over-arching themes here.
Just ramblins. Like it was a live journal thing. But its

The sun is shining through the skylight. Prior to this happening,
it was raining for 7 days. Constantly. Nonstop. Not kidding.
It was a real hoot. I was watching a movie earlier in the week,
and peered up at one point to see a small portion of the skylight
underwater. Kind of a cool effect, but rather troubling. Found
a way up on the roof, and discovered about two feet of standing
water in one area. Could have stocked it with Carp. Strange.

I have a job. Woo hoo. Good stuff. Doing policy and inter-
governmental affairs. Right up my alley (though I'm still waiting
for that NBA/NFL GM call).. However, as I'm rapping with Mayors,
Mayor Wannabees, Councilmembers, Commissioners, etc., we're
gonna stick with Weintraub from Dallas for a while.

So I don't have cable, and my DVD watching has gone up accordingly.
I own about 10 DVDs. One is the extended version of Apocalypse
Now, which I watched again this week. Holy Crap, what an amazing
piece of work. I know as the 27 year old white dude from USA I'm
not beating any stereotypes loving that film, but its just such
a priceless thing. Coppola is totally on top of his game, although
I guess the project nearly drove him nuts. Read on the internet that
this extended version still left about an hour of footage on the
cutting room floor. I dunno... when a director has all the right
supporting cast and is on a roll, I have a lot of patience for longer
length films. I think I could happily watch a 7 hour long
Apocalypse Now. One of the most moving and captivating scenes in
the film for me is the scene where Sheen's character is passing
through the last US military outpost heading upriver to Cambodia,
and asks, for the final time, if a soldier knows who the CO is,
and the guy turns to him and says, "Yeah." I swear, its the most
dramatic one-word line delivered in any movie I know of.
Speaks volumes. If you have not seen this film, you must.

Fantasy football team: Sucks. But I pulled off the most improbable
win last week over the grand daddy grump of our league, Todd S.
That made me feel a bit better as a human being.

Oh, yeah... not attending the college 5 year. Sorry, E-ham class
of two-thou, I'll make it up to you, at some point.

Later peeps.


micahd said...

So does that free you up to make it to Athens for Halloween?

Anonymous said...

I'll have to check out that extended Apocalypse Now. How long is it?
Is Heart of Darkness worth reading? I've heard mixed reviews on Joseph Conrad.

David Weinberg said...

HallOUeen in Athens: Doubtful. Will likely be back round New Years.

Extended Apocalypse has, like, 45 minutes of new material. Dunno exactly how long that makes it. But long. I'm a big Conrad fan. Definitely read Heart and The Secret Sharer. They're short. It'll take you an afternoon.