Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Post Redux

Huh. On the heels of numerous posts on Gulf War II and war
in general-- including a plug for Apocalypse Now-- there appears
in this month's Harper's Magazine an article by Lawrence
Weschler which argues that 'anti-war' movies are problemmatic
because most end up serving as pro-war inspiration for young
soldiers heading into battle. The article focuses on Gulf War Vet.
Anthony Swofford's book Jarhead as well as Apolcalypse. Interesting
piece, but I'm not sure I agree with the thesis... and now I'm
doubly weary of Jarhead the movie: trailer looks like a ripoff
of Full Metal Jacket and Three Kings bereft of important messages
about the current conflict. And if part of this film, featuring
Jake Gyllenhaal and Jamie Foxx and directed by the guy responsible
for American Beauty, spends some portion rehashing Apolcalypse,
well, this could qualify as cinematic blasphemy. But I'll withhold
final judgement until I've seen the film...

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