Monday, February 28, 2005

Hilary Swank: Why?

How is it that this woman was annointed most
favored leading lady of Hollywood? Cate Blanchette,
to name but one acterss, is obviously a higher caliber
performer. Shouldn't Blanchette be getting the
female boxing protege role and Swank the elven queen

Strangely..... Ms. Swank was my strangest New York City
brush with fame (unless you rank sitting next to Kevin
Bacon and family on the uptown M3 bus as more bizarre).
I was checking out a friend's art exhibit on the Baroness Elsa
von Freytag-Loringhoven at her uptown Columbia U. studio,
and in the midst of hanging out in the stu-d, in walks Hilary,
who proceeds to have, perhaps, the longest and most engaged
conversation on the Baroness in recent human history with
my MFA friend... like, they were making a serious pitch to be
co-Presidents of the Baroness fan club or historical society.
Odd. I also happened to do progressive political organizing at
Hunter College with an actor who played one of the rednecks
who abused Swank's character in Boys Don't Cry. If you move
to NYC you'll discover, after a while, its a small world after all.

Who the hell is the Baroness? Great question. Here's a website:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude, you should name your blog "Objectivist Aesthetics." I don't think there's anything "obvious" about the notion that Cate Blanchet is a higher caliber performer than Hillary Swank . . . and the reason for that sort of answers your question as to why CB is an elf and why HS is a struggling trailer-park-raised boxer. CB does the (relatively minor) elf thing extraordinarily well, and, frankly, HS is, I think, pretty stunningly convincing in the roles she takes. Different aesthetics, different styles, different talents. JL