Wednesday, February 16, 2005

I'm not sure I understand the point of this

For starters, how to convince the oligopoly of webbrowers tosend curious surfers my way. I think this David Weinberg guy atOSU paidoff someone at google or owns stock in Yahoo or is marriedto the CEO of AltaVista. I'm just never going to knock him from thetop of the "David Weinberg" search engine list, no matter how muchmindless palaver I chalk up on this thing.

Second, there doesn't seem to be a spellcheck function on blogspot.This is unfortunate and will lead to much embarrassment. Like, is thathow embarrassment is spelled? I'm not so confident as to bet myrecord collection or stake my professional reputation on it. Ifyou google Jennifer L., you'll find a marathon runner on the eastcoast, but also a reference to an uber-uber-uber bright guy namedPeter Suber writing that another Jennifer L. is a pretty kick ass editor.This J.L. will catch my misspellings and grammatical blunders here and I'llhear no end of it. But God do I love the woman. To no end. So its OK.

OK, so, what's the point? You tell me. Here's the first thing that reallycame to mind to post about: I was watching SLC Punk on HBO #318 theother night and there was this scene in the movie where the main charactersflash back to their childhood days in the early 80s and the one kid upsetsthe other by turning off his Rush cassette and putting on some punk. Thewhole idea was that Rush represented the old and tired, Punk the new andexciting ... and both kids eventually respond to the punk like its really hotshit. Problem here with the nostalgic glorification of punk music, as was ondisplay also in 24 Hour Party People is, well, that Punk music just isn't verygood. Cry me a river about how much airplay Stairway to Heaven got. JoyDivision is a forgettable grain of sandy subparness in the ocean of the greatand wonderful Classic Rock.

So what was the point? You learn I don't like punk music. Which tells you a littleabout myself. I'm a bit of a music snob, and under the right conditions, am a heartybeliever in objective standards, concrete judgements, universal truths. But notalways. Rarely, infact. But with some things, mainly the aesthetics... ratingthe quality of music or the sound of a language, you just can't go without it.Classic Rock is to French as Punk is to Dutch. There you have it.

I guess if it helps to pass the time for someone somewhere snared in aunderstimulating white-collar desk job-- or brightens the day, even-- to read something like that.. well, then, I would feel like I did some goodin the world. Ahh..... I think I may be picking up on the blog culture somewhat..... not that you'll read this, though..... cus you'll always be directed to Mr. Dave at The Ohio State.....OK, before signing off, I want you to know that I am also elated (estatic, really), that the New Jersey Nets signed Clifford Robinson,aka, Uncle Spliffy. This gives me joy to almost no end. If we had more Uncle Spliffys in this world, well... what a wonderful place it would be.

1 comment:

micahd said...

Looks like you've got it going. Which is sweet because I might wrap mine up. But I'd be into posting stuff on your blog from time to time ... ?